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Thunder cracked outside and lightning flashed. In her room a girl only 13 years old trembled in the darkness. Suddenly her door flew open and a figure stood in the doorway, still. Adelaide hid under the covers of her bed. The figure stayed where it was, absolutely silent. The rain continued to pound outside the window. Adelaide didn’t dare look because of fear.
After what seemed like forever, the figure left, and Adelaide dared to look for she no longer felt its presence. Where the figure had been there was only darkness. Adelaide knew that it would return for her, and her blue eyes widened with fear. For a few seconds she stood frozen, then it hit her; she had a place she could hide. She fled out of her room, and into the garden, her golden hair blowing in the wind, her skin pelted by rain. Adelaide ran as fast as she could until she reached her destination. She climbed into her hollow in the old tree in the garden, and pulled the bushes back in front of the entrance. She had made it to her sanctuary.
Adelaide shivered and grabbed her woollen blanket that she kept in her secret place, snuggled in, and went to sleep. When she woke in the morning it was to daylight. She was safe. The shadow hadn’t got her yet.
Every month the figure would come without fail on the 8th of every month. All day long a storm would rage outside, and then on the 9th, it would be like nothing had ever happened.
Sometimes Adelaide would hide under her bed, in her closet, and the best place was her newly found secret place. Adelaide would keep these events secret, not telling anyone. She had no idea why the shadow came to her. It was like it was waiting for something to happen.
It was the 13th of August now, and Adelaide had only a month had past. Today would change her life forever though. It was the day of her 14th birthday, and the time of her birth was getting closer; 3:01p.m.
At last the moment arrived that changed everything. As the clocked struck 3:01, Adelaide was lifted into the air, hidden by mist. When she reappeared, she was changed- she was no longer an ordinary girl, but a fine young lady in silks, and a tiara. Her dress was gold and flowing, and the shadow appeared once more, but now bathed in light. On his golden head rested a crown. He joined Adelaide in the air, and swept her into his arms. Onto her finger he slipped a diamond ring, then with a kiss, they were gone, into thin air, wed and now said to be ruling a kingdom far, far away. Adelaide, now queen, was never afraid of the dark again, for she knew the truth; the darkness cannot withstand the light, all darkness must come to an end.



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